Product: Hebrew Font Gallery

Welcome to the very best in Hebrew font design! Davka’s
Hebrew Font Gallery Deluxe includes 30 exquisite Hebrew fonts, designed by
Shmuel Guttman, master font craftsman of Jerusalem. The Font Gallery Deluxe
contains an appealing assortment of unique, high-quality typefaces, and will
add flair and flash to all of your work.

What makes the Font Gallery Deluxe truly unique is the full complement of
vowels and cantillation marks that are available in these fonts. DavkaWriter
users, of course, can easily access these special characters within the
program itself. And now, for the first time, users of non-Hebrew Windows
programs, can utilize these special characters by typing right-to-left
within the all-new HebrewTyper applet, included with the Font Gallery
Deluxe,and paste the Hebrew text into their regular Windows programs!

On the Mac side, the fonts are compatible with Nisus, the popular
Hebrew/English word processor, and can be used with vowels. If you don’t
have Nisus, and are using a standard left-to-right Mac application, you can
still enter Hebrew text left-to-right, and enter vowels, and cantillation
marks as well, for short passages.

Click here
to order

Includes all the fonts shown below: