Traditional Jewish Wedding

A traditional Jewish wedding includes one of the most beautiful ceremonies followed by fun-filled celebration. On their wedding day, Jewish people embrace meaningful rituals which symbolize truth, unity, and the obligations of a husband and wife.

In their wedding preparations, a bride (kallah in Hebrew) and her husband (chatan in Hebrew) should reflect and focus on their faith, lineage, material, spirituality, and planning for the future together. A Jewish man and woman should embrace the idea of marriage (called Kiddushin in Hebrew) and be prepared to sanctify themselves together.

Jewish weddings typically embrace tradition and celebrate the Jewish faith. The following guide will help explain the sacred day when a Jewish wedding occurs and all of the wedding plans that proceed that very special day:

Kabbalat Panim ? The Week Prior to the Wedding Day

It?s a Jewish wedding custom for the bride and groom to be seen by anyone but one another during the week prior to their wedding ceremony. During this week, separate receptions called ?Kabbalat Panim? are held prior to the actual wedding itself. During this time?the mother and the bride and groom meet with one another and break a plate together. This is a symbolic tradition. The plate, in a way, represents the relationship. Once shattered in pieces, the plate can not be repaired back to its normal condition. Such is the case with any relationship, once shattered, it can never be returned to its original state.

Badeken ? The Veiling of the Bride

The veil symbolizes modesty. Regardless of how physically attractive or unattractive a person may be, the soul and character are forever. Unlike physical beauty, which fades with age. Like (biblical) Rebecca prior to her marriage to Isaac, the veil is an accessory which has become a custom to protect and clothe the wife.

The Wedding

Considered the happiest and holiest personal day in a Jewish couple?s life, all past mistakes are forgiven this day. Together the new couple makes their lives together. It?s a unification of the soul. At the ceremony, the groom wears a kittel (traditional white robe, also worn on Yom Kippur). The bride and groom are expected to fast until the completion of the marriage ceremony.

Jen Carter is owner of My Wedding Blog, a free wedding planner guide.

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