Rebbe Menechem Mendel Schneerson (known as the Chabad Lubavitcher Rebbe) leads his followers in “Tzoma L’cha Nafshi”. Note that he follows the strong Ashkenaz pronunciation where all the KATMATZ vowels (the ones that look like a “T” under a letter), like the “OH” sound instead of the “AH” sound. I transliterated with lower case “o”, substitute “a” if you want to sing with the modern Sephardic pronunication, as Gad Elbaz does in the second video. Also Ashkenaz pronounce the letter TAV without a DAGESH (dot in the middle) as an “S”, and Sephardic and Modern Hebrew pronounce it like a “T”. So I have transliterated that letters as “T[s]”
This is directly from Psalm 63:2-3
[Elohim eli atah – ashachrecha.] | [Oh God, You are my God. Early will I see you.] |
TZoMA L’CHo NAFSHI | Thirsts for-you my-soul |
KoMA L’CHo VSoRI | as does for-you my-flesh |
B’ERETZ TZIYo V’oYEFBLI MoYIM | in-a-parched-land and-wearywithout water |
KEN BAKOiDESHCHAZIT[s]ICHo | Thus in-the-sanctuaryI have beheld you |
LIROiT[s] UZ’CHoU’KVOiDECHo. | to-see your-powerand-your-glory. |
Gad Elbaz
The video you see at 4:18 are people submitting prayers at the “Rebbe’s Ohel“. Ohel literally means tent, but this also is his Kever or grave in Brooklyn.